Ecroyd, HeathKoudelka, TomasThorn, Davic C.Williams, Danielle M.Devlin, GlynHoffmann, PeterCarver, John2015-12-100021-9258 fibrils are aggregated and precipitated forms of protein in which the protein exists in highly ordered, long, unbranching threadlike formations that are stable and resistant to degradation by proteases. Fibril formation is an ordered process thatKeywords: Agglomeration; Casein; Dissociation; Glycoproteins; High performance liquid chromatography; Mass spectrometry; Nucleation; Self assembled monolayers; Steelmaking; Turbidity; Aggregation mechanisms; Amyloid fibrils; Fibril formations; Fluorescence intensitDissociation from the Oligomeric State Is the Rate-limiting Step in Fibril Formation by K-Casein200810.1074/jbc.M7099282002015-12-10