Guccione, GiovanniSlatyer, Harry J.Carvalho, Andre R. R.Buchler, BenjaminLam, Ping Koy2017-01-242017-01-240953-4075 examine the use of optomechanically generated squeezing to obtain a sensitivity enhancement for interferometers in the gravitational-wave band. The intrinsic dispersion characteristics of optomechanical squeezing around the mechanical frequency are able to produce squeezing at different quadratures over the spectrum, a feature required by gravitational-wave interferometers to beat the standard quantum limit over an extended frequency range. Under realistic assumptions we show that the amount of available squeezing and the intrinsic quadrature rotation may provide, compared to similar amounts of fixed-quadrature squeezing, a detection advantage. A significant challenge for this scheme, however, is the amount of excess noise that is generated in the unsqueezed quadrature at frequencies near the mechanical resonance.This research was funded by the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellences CE110001027, the Discovery Project DP150101035. PKL is supported by the ARC Laureate Fellowship FL150100019, BCB by the ARC future fellowship FT100100048.application/pdf© 2016 IOP Publishing Ltd.Squeezing quadrature rotation in the acoustic band via optomechanics201610.1088/0953-4075/49/6/065401