Rybin, Mikhail V.Samusev, Kirill B.Sinev, Ivan S.Semouchkin, GeorgeSemouchkina, ElenaLimonov, Mikhail F.Kivshar, Yuri2016-05-132016-05-131094-4087http://hdl.handle.net/1885/101228We reveal that the resonant Mie scattering by high-index dielectric nanoparticles can be presented through cascades of Fano resonances. We employ the exact solution of Maxwell’s equations and demonstrate that the Lorenz-Mie coefficients of the Mie problem can be expressed generically as infinite series of Fano functions as they describe interference between the background radiation originated from an incident wave and narrow-spectrum Mie scattering modes that lead to Fano resonances.This work was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Projects No. 11.G34.31.0020, 14.B37.21.1964), the Russian Foundation of Basic Research (grants 11-02-00865 and 13-02- 00186), and the Australian National University.© 2013 Optical Society of AmericaMie scattering as a cascade of Fano resonances201310.1364/OE.21.0301072016-06-14