Ens, Emilie-Jane2016-02-152016-02-150972-4923http://hdl.handle.net/1885/733712765Payments for environmental services (PBS) are increasingly promoted as an economic mechanism that could potentially address socio-economic and environmental conservation objectives in developing regions.However, the reporting and conditionality requirements of PES projects can be inhibitory,particularly for people with low enviromental monitoring or administration capacity. Here, I provide five case studies where Indigenous Land and Sea Management groups in remote northern Australia, have combined Indigenous ecological knowledge,Western science,and the innovative CyberTracker technology to record and monitor the ecological outcomes of their land management activities to facilitate engagement with mainstream economies in Australia. The case studies elucidate methods of data collection and recording for established and potential PBS projects where environmental monitoring and adaptive land and sea management are clear objectives, with longer term prospects for socio-economic benefits of Indigenous community education, empowerment and development. Similar monitoring and reporting methods could be applied in other contexts where individuals or community groups want to engage in emerging mainstream environmental service markets, but lack environmental monitoring and reporting capacity, such as other Indigenous groups,people from economically poor regions, or farmers in environmentally valuable regions.This colleborative work forms part of the People on Country Project funded by the Myer Foundation Sidney Myer Fund, Australia.11 pages© Ens 2012. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use and distribution of the article, provided the original work is cited.Indigenous ecological knowledgecapacity buildingmarket-based instrumentscitizen sciencepayment for environmental servicesMonitoring outcomes of environmental service provision in low socio-economic Indigenous Australia using innovative CyberTracker Technology201210.4103/0972-4923.921942016-02-24