Henty, Margaret2008-10-232011-01-042011-02-232008-10-232011-01-042011-02-2310/10/2008http://hdl.handle.net/1885/47617http://digitalcollections.anu.edu.au/handle/1885/47617The increasing focus on eResearch comes with an increasing focus on data management, data use, data sharing and data re-use. This presents a challenge to research institutions as they decide where the responsibility for all of this data lies. Libraries have long had a role in managing text-based materials in the digital environment, as can be seen by the rapid take up of institutional repositories and many library ventures into electronic publishing of different kinds. There are many who see that the library has a significant role to play here, and several Australian university libraries are already actively engaged in data management in its broadest sense, as are state libraries, the National Library and others. This paper examines the capabilities and skills required within research institutions as they implement the organisational and cultural change which will be needed. It is based on two surveys conducted in 2007. The Skills for eResearch Project undertaken by APSR included interviews and surveys of a range of people associated with the eResearch agenda. The findings suggest that the provision of appropriately skilled personnel will be key factor in moving forward, and that the skills required go far beyond the technical. At the same time, there are currently many barriers to the conduct of eResearch and these will need to be addressed in order to develop new services supporting institutional capability. The Data Management Survey was conducted by three Australian universities in late 2007 and looked at the data management practices of researchers. The results show both positives and negatives, and point towards areas for improvement.enhttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/e-ResearcheResearchAPSRAustralian Partnership for Sustainable RepositoriesRepositoriesdata managementdata life cycledata stewardshipdata preservationaccess provisiondata provisionaccess preservationresearch quality frameworkexcellence in research for australiadata curationdigital stewardshipopen accessdata planningDreaming of Data: The Library's Role in Supporting e-Research and Data Management