Nelson, BarbaraJeffrey, Robin2008-01-072011-01-052008-01-072011-01-052007Nelson, B., & Jeffrey, R. (Eds.). (2007). Capturing the Year 2007: Writings from the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific. Canberra, ACT: The Australian National University, College of Asia and the Pacific, is our second endeavour to ‘capture the year’—to compile a selection of popular writing by members of the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific. Capturing the Year 2006 got a heartening welcome from diplomats, public servants, journalists, academics and people who work in the Asia–Pacific region. They found the short, authoritative pieces useful and digestible, and they particularly liked the focus on important issues for Australia and its neighbours.en-AUAuthor owns the copyright. Permission granted to archive and make publicly available.Capturing the Year 2007: Writings from the ANU College of Asia and the PacificJournal issue2007