Turtle, Arthur Hamley2017-11-082017-11-081976b1015334http://hdl.handle.net/1885/133342Plutarch's fame rests primarily and justly on the Parallel Lives; but equally memorable is the mass of miscellaneous writings known as the Moralia~ The traditional title Morals (or Ethical Essays) is misleading, since at most, only a third of the "essays" can be so described. The remaining twothirds comprise a heterogeneous group of writings on a wide range of subjects from First Century A~D. science and religion to the aetiologies of Roman and Greek customs and the wide ranging dinner conversations of Plutarch and his friends.1venPlutarch. MoraliaPlutarch's Moralia : a study in literary charm197610.25911/5d723a3928f8b2017-10-23