Nolan, Melanie2011-11-242011-11-24Nolan, M. (2009). Constantly on the move but going nowhere? Work, community and social mobility. In G. Byrnes (Ed), The New Oxford History of New Zealand (pp. 357-387). South Melbourne, Vic.: Oxford University Press Australia and New Zealand9780195584714"Equality was greater in New Zealand than in many other societies, but it has declined overall in the past 150 years and was, in any case, always fractured by class, gender and race. Unpicking the trends underlying egalitarianism is difficult owing to the ‘rule of conformity’ that existed in the past: social commentators have avoided researching wealth and poverty.3 Successive governments claimed to have ‘abolished poverty’ and avoided measuring range within society.4 In examining the changing, evolving nature of work and communal arrangements in this period, this chapter discusses aspirations to egalitarianism; the attempts to realise them as well as the failures to effect change. In so doing it ties occupational experience to stratification and social mobility debates."31 pages"Permission is granted to host the published version of the requested work on the ANU repository providing access is limited to University members and it is not made available to the public." - Rights and Permissions Researcher, Creative Services, emailed dated 24/11/11Constantly on the move but going nowhere? Work, community and social mobility20092015-12-08