Boger, Steven D.Hirdes, W.Ferreira, C.A.M.Jenett, T.Dallwig, R.Fanning, Christopher2015-12-101342-937X age data from southwest Madagascar provide a compelling case that the pre-Gondwana Indian plate was stitched with the arc terranes of the Arabian Nubian Shield along a suture that closed between 580. Ma and 520. Ma. The key observations supportive of this interpretation are: (1) metamorphism dated to 630-600. Ma is manifested only on the west side of the suture in rocks that have affinities with the oceanic and island arc terranes of the Arabian Nubian Shield, or which represent continental rocks welded to these terranes prior to the amalgamation of Gondwana, and (2) orogenesis at 580-520. Ma is manifest in rocks on both sides of the suture, an observation taken to mark the timing of collision and to reflect spatial continuity across the suture. In southwest Madagascar the distribution of metamorphic ages places the suture along the Beraketa high-strain zone, the tectonic boundary between the Androyen and Anosyen domains. Similar age relationships allow for the extrapolation of this tectonic boundary into both East Antarctica and Africa.The 580-520 Ma Gondwana suture of Madagascar and its continuation into Antarctica and Africa201410.1016/