Rosberg, ChristianHanna, BrendanNeshev, DragomirKrolikowski, WieslawSukhorukov, AndreyKivshar, YuriNeil Broderick2009-05-292010-12-202009-05-292010-12-20SeptemberOptics Express 13.14 (2005): 5369-537615575279111094-4087 study nonlinear coupling of mutually incoherent beams associated with different Floquet-Bloch waves in a one-dimensional optically-induced photonic lattice. We demonstrate experimentally how such interactions lead to asymmetric mutual focusing and, for waves with opposite diffraction properties, to simultaneous focusing and defocusing as well as discreteness-induced beam localization and reshaping effects.8 pages"OSA will grant the authors permission to deposit the publisher’s pdf from their Optics Express articles into the repository with the proper citation (reference number or journal /volume/page/year citation)." - from email received from Authorized Agent, The Optical Society, 27/05/10nonlinear optics, transverse effects inself-action effectsDiscrete interband mutual focusing in nonlinear photonic lattices2005-07-1110.1364/OPEX.13.0053692015-12-11