Chalk, AndrewRadom, Leo2015-12-131387-3806 ab initio calculations at the G2(MP2,SVP) level have been used to characterize the potential energy surface for ethylene loss from various [C9H11]+ ions. There is good agreement between the theoretical predictions and available experimental thermochemical data. We have characterized an alternative pathway to the phenylated cyclopropane mechanism originally proposed to explain the results of 13C-labeling studies of ethylene elimination from [PhC(CH3)2]+. This alternative mechanism is found to be consistent with experimental results of both 13C- and deuterium-labeling experiments. We also examine the mechanism for ethylene loss and label exchange for several other isomeric [C9H11]+ ions. It is found that the 13C-label exchange observed in protonated allylbenzene and some of the deuterium-labeling results for other ions can be explained by the intervention of intermediate ion-neutral complexes. Comparisons are made with previous theoretical work on related [C3H6X]+ ions (X = Ph, OH, SH and NH2). (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V.Keywords: benzene derivative; carbon 13; cyclopropane; deuterium; ethylene; ion; proton; article; calculation; dissociation; energy; isomer; isotope labeling; molecular interaction; prediction; proton transport; reaction analysis; theory; thermodynamics [C9H11]+; Ethylene elimination; G2(MP2,SVP); Heats of formation; Ion-neutral complex; Label exchangeThe involvement of ion-neutral complexes in ethylene loss from [PhC(CH3)2]+ and its isomers200010.1016/S1387-3806(00)00169-X2015-12-12