Mander, LewisWillis, AnthonyHerlt, AnthonyTaylor, Walter C2015-12-070040-4039 structures of three new alkaloids isolated from the bark of the rain forest tree Galbulimima belgraveana, have been determined by a combination of NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography. One of the alkaloids, himgrine (5), was shown to be an oxygenated derivative of himbacine (1), while the second, GB16, (8) proved to be identical with a degradation product from himgaline (4). The remaining alkaloid, GB17 (12) possesses an entirely new and unexpected skeleton.Keywords: alkaloid; himandrine; himbacine; himgaline; himgrine; unclassified drug; article; bark; degradation; glabulimima belgraveana; Michael addition; nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy; oxygenation; skeleton; structure analysis; tree; X ray crystallography Alkaloids; Biosynthesis; Galbulimima belgraveana; Novel structuresThe structures of three new Galbulimima alkaloids200910.1016/j.tetlet.2009.10.0192016-02-24