Woodford, Charles Morris (1852 - 1927)2020-11-172020-11-171886ANUA 481-262http://hdl.handle.net/1885/216103Includes: 'Going About on board the 'Patience'Draft of account of first part of tripNotes on the discovery and later contacts with the Gilbert and Ellice Islands'Notes extracted from 'A Missionary Cruise in the South Pacific', by Reverend S. J. Whitmee''Origin of the Gilbert Islands', 8pp manuscriptTheir first discovery and subsequent history', 17pp manuscript‘The Gilbert Islands’, 10pp manuscriptA chart of the Pacific Ocean, exhibiting the New Discoveries, c.1800'Flora of the Gilbert Group' and note on Frigate Bird attachedDiary of part of tour of duty aboard ‘Pylades’ 30 May - 10 August 1896.manuscriptcolouren-AUPacific Research ArchiveDiary, loose pages2020-11-17This item is provided for research purposes. Contact the Australian National University Archives at butlin.archives@anu.edu.au for permission to use.