Pullen, M GWallace, W CLaban, D EGrum-Grzhimailo, Alexei N.Palmer, A JHanne, G FAbeln, BBartschat, Klaus RWeflen, DIvanov, IgorKheifets, AnatoliQuiney, Harry Morris2015-12-13August 28-9780977565771http://hdl.handle.net/1885/83138We have observed carrier-envelope phase effects in the ionisation of atomic hydrogen exposed to an intense few-cycle laser pulse. Experimental data show good agreement with an advanced ab initio time dependent Schrodinger equation simulation.Keywords: Ab initio; Atomic hydrogen; Carrier-envelope phase effects; Experimental data; Few-cycle; Few-cycle laser pulse; Time dependent Schrodinger equation; Hydrogen; Ionization; Optical fibers; Quantum electronics; OpticsCarrier-envelope phase effects in few-cycle ionisation of atomic hydrogen201110.1109/IQEC-CLEO.2011.61939912016-02-24