Dennis, GrahamHudson, Stuart RTerranova, DFranz, P.Dewar, RobertHole, Matthew2015-12-080031-9007 show that the self-organized single-helical-axis (SHAx) and double-axis (DAx) states in reversed field pinches can be reproduced in a minimally constrained equilibrium model using only five parameters. This is a significant reduction on previous represAuthor/s retain copyrightKeywords: Constrained equilibriums; Constrained models; Equilibrium models; Infinite numbers; Nontrivial topology; Reversed field pinch; Topological structure; Transport barrier; Atomic physics; Physics; TopologyMinimally Constrained Model of Self-Organized Helical States in Reversed-Field Pinches201310.1103/PhysRevLett.111.0550032016-02-24