Shengule, Sudhir RWillis, AnthonyPyne, Stephen G2015-12-100040-4020 we report the results of a furan-based approach toward the synthesis of the Stemona alkaloid, stemocurtisine 1 via the linearly fused tricyclic intermediate 3, representing the key A,B,C-ring structural feature of the target molecule. A highly diasKeywords: (11,11a) 11 hydroxy 5,6,9,10,11,11a hexahydrofuro [3,2 c]pyrido[1,2 a]azepin 8(4h) one; (5) 5 [azido(furan 3 yl)methyl]dihydrofuran 2(3h) one; (5) 5 [furan 3 yl(hydroxy)methyl]dihydrofuran 2(3h) one; (9,9a) 9 [(tert butyldimethylsilyl)oxy] 4,5,9,9a tetrah Azepine; Furan oxidation; Lactam; Stemona alkaloidModel support studies toward the total synthesis of the stemona alkaloid stemocurtisine201310.1016/j.tet.2013.06.0992016-02-24