Forbes, DavidCreamer, MarkPhelps, AndreaCouineau, Anne-LaureCooper, John ABryant, RichardMcFarlane, Alexander CDevilly, Grant JMatthews, LyndaRaphael, Beverley2015-12-080025-729X• General practitioners have an important role to play in helping patients after exposure to severe psychological trauma. • In the immediate aftermath of trauma, GPs should offer "psychological first aid", which includes monitoring of the patient's meKeywords: antidepressant agent; mirtazapine; monoamine oxidase inhibitor; serotonin uptake inhibitor; tricyclic antidepressant agent; acute stress disorder; adult; article; behavior therapy; cognitive therapy; disease resistance; disease severity; drug efficacy; exTreating adults with acute stress disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder in general practice: a clinical update20072015-12-08