Woodford, Charles Morris (1852 - 1927)2020-11-172020-11-171886ANUA 481-268http://hdl.handle.net/1885/216102Diary from C M Woodford. Includes a copy of letter addressed to the Honorable B. Thurston CMG, Acting High Commissioner Western Pacific, written on the Schooner 'Lizzie' voyaging from Solomon Islands to Sydney November 1886. The diary is a detailed account of Woodford’s activities as a collector of natural history specimens at Alu, Shortland Island, Fauro, Rubiana, Savo, Guadalcanal, Aola. In the letter, he comments at length on the land purchases by a German company.manuscriptcolouren-AUPacific Research ArchivesDiary, 4 June 1886 - 10 November 18862020-11-17This item is provided for research purposes. Contact the Australian National University Archives at butlin.archives@anu.edu.au for permission to use.