Nulley-Valdes, Thomas2021-07-26 Brescia (1968-) is a short story writer and professor of literature at University of South Florida, Tampa. Originally from Argentina, he has lived in the United States since 1986. His stories demonstrate the literary talent of one who writes with conviction and a sharp critical thought. Last year he published his third short story collection La derrota de lo real/The Defeat of the Real (2017). Brescia's sixteen stories combine various genres –detective, science fiction–, registers –surrealist, realist– and also play with metafiction. These stories explore life, death, creativity and literary criticism from the platform of irony and central referents from his native Argentinian literary tradition are palpable: Borges, Cortázar, and Piglia.application/pdfen-AU© 2017 Letra UrbanaLa literatura tiene una relacion oblicua con lo real. Entrevista a Pablo Brescia (Literature has an oblique relationship with the real. Interview with Pablo Brescia)2017-11-162020-11-23