Dmitriev, Sergey VSukhorukov, AndreyKivshar, Yuri2016-04-212016-04-210146-9592 study nonlinear binary arrays composed of parity-time-symmetric optical waveguides with gain and loss. We demonstrate that such nonlinear binary lattices support stable discrete solitons, which can be adiabatically tuned and switched through nonlinear symmetry breaking by varying gain and loss parameters.S. V. D. thanks the Nonlinear Physics Center for the warm hospitality and acknowledges support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) through grant 09-08-00696-a. This work was partially supported by the Australian Research Council.© 2010 Optical Society of AmericaKeywords: Binary arrays; Discrete soliton; Nonlinear lattices; Nonlinear symmetry; SolitonsBinary parity-time-symmetric nonlinear lattices with balanced gain and loss2010-09-0110.1364/OL.35.0029762016-06-14