An open access, integrated XAS data repository at Diamond Light Source




Cibin, Giannantonio
Gianolio, Diego
Parry, Stephen A.
Schoonjans, Tom
Moore, Oliver
Draper, Rachael
Miller, Laura
Thoma, Alexander
Doswell, Claire L.
Graham, Abigail

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Pergamon-Elsevier Ltd


The analysis of reference materials is a fundamental part of the data analysis process, in particular for XAS experiments. The beamline users and more generally the XAS community can greatly benefit from the availability of a reliable and wide base of reference sample spectra, acquired in standard and well-characterized experimental conditions. On B18, the Core EXAFS beamline at the Diamond Light Source, in the past years we have collected a series of XAS data on well characterized compounds. This work constitutes the base for a reference sample database, available as a data analysis tool to the general XAS community. This data repository aims to complement the bare spectroscopic information with characterisation, preparation, provenance, analysis and bibliographic references, so improving the traceability of the deposited information. This integrated approach is the base of success and wide distribution of data repositories in other fields, and we hope it will provide on one side a precious facility for the training of students and researchers new to the technique, and at the same time encourage the discussion of best practices in the data analysis process. The database will be open to the contribution of experimental data from the user community, and will provide bibliographic reference information and access control




Giannantonio Cibin, et al., Radiation Physics and Chemistry,


Radiation Physics and Chemistry


Journal article

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Access Statement

Open Access

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