Regionalism and Great Power Management in the Asia-Pacific: Complementary or Competing Forces?
Zala, Benjamin
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Taylor & Francis Group
This article seeks to advance the recent turn in the literature on
regionalism in the Asia–Pacific that considers the scope for an
effective managerial role for the region’s great powers. Drawing
on the work of the English School of International Relations on
“great power management”, the article seeks to clarify the interaction between processes of regionalism and the special managerial
rights and responsibilities of the great powers. It draws on both the
lessons of historical instances of institutionalised great power management in the form of great power concerts and a theoretical
reframing of the practice of great power management. The article
argues in favour of a disaggregated approach that prioritises crisis
management between the great powers over more expansive versions of great power management in the immediate term.
Distinguishing between different types of great power management at both the global and regional levels and highlighting the
different lessons that scholars have drawn from the history of great
power concerts leads to three recommendations for aligning great
power management with processes of regionalism. First, prioritising regular and purposely exclusive dialogue between the United
States and China in the immediate term. Second, fostering ad-hoc
regional power summits over the medium to long-term as the
distribution of power in the region shifts from one of bipolarity to
multipolarity. And third, throughout both phases, actively avoiding
what is labelled “competitive minilateralism” that is likely to both
compete with existing regional institutions and work against the
order-building goals of great power management.
Great power management, regionalism, US–China rivalry, English School, Concert of Asia, balance of power
Asian Studies Review
Journal article
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