Husimi-Wigner representation of chaotic eigenstates




Toscano, Fabricio
Kenfack, Anatole
Carvalho, Andre
Rost, J.M.
Almeida, Alfredo M Ozorio De

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Royal Society of London


Just as a coherent state may be considered as a quantum point, its restriction to a factor space of the full Hilbert space can be interpreted as a quantum plane. The overlap of such a factor coherent state with a full pure state is akin to a quantum section. It defines a reduced pure state in the cofactor Hilbert space. Physically, this factorization corresponds to the description of interacting components of a quantum system with many degrees of freedom and the sections could be generated by conceivable partial measurements.The collection of all the Wigner functions corresponding to a full set of parallel quantum sections defines the Husimi-Wigner representation. It occupies an intermediate ground between the drastic suppression of non-classical features, characteristic of Husimi functions, and the daunting complexity of higher dimensional Wigner functions. After analysing these features for simpler states, we exploit this new representation as a probe of numerically computed eigenstates of a chaotic Hamiltonian. Though less regular, the individual two-dimensional Wigner functions resemble those of semiclassically quantized states.



Keywords: Computational complexity; Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions; Function evaluation; Hilbert spaces; Quantum computers; Chaotic eigenstates; Husimi function; Phase space representations; Semiclassical mechanics; Wigner function; Chaotic systems Chaotic eigenstates; Husimi function; Phase space representations; Semiclassical mechanics; Wigner function



Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Series A


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