Optimal vortex rings and aquatic propulsion mechanisms




Linden, P F
Turner, J

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Royal Society of London


Fishes swim by flapping their tail and other fins. Other sea creatures, such as squid and salps, eject fluid intermittently as a jet. We discuss the fluid mechanics behind these propulsion mechanisms and show that these animals produce optimal vortex rings, which give the maximum thrust for a given energy input. We show that fishes optimize both their steady swimming efficiency and their ability to accelerate and turn by producing an individual optimal ring with each flap of the tail or fin. Salps produce vortex rings directly by ejecting a volume of fluid through a rear orifice, and these are also optimal. An important implication of this paper is that the repetition of vortex production is not necessary for an individual vortex to have the 'optimal' characteristics.



Keywords: aquatic organism; fluid mechanics; locomotion; acceleration; article; energy; fish; liquid; mechanics; nonhuman; priority journal; squid; swimming; tail; Animals; Biomechanics; Decapodiformes; Fishes; Models, Biological; Rheology; Species Specificity; Swi Fishes; Salps; Squid; Swimming; Vortices



Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B: Biological Sciences


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