First-Order Typed Fuzzy Logics and their Categorical Semantics: Linear Completeness and Baaz Translation via Lawvere Hyperdoctrine Theory
Maruyama, Yoshihiro
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It is known that some fuzzy predicate logics, such as Łukasiewicz predicate logic, are not complete with respect to the standard real-valued semantics. In the present paper we focus upon a typed version of first-order MTL (Monoidal T-norm Logic), which gives a unified framework for different fuzzy logics including, inter alia, Hajek's basic logic, Łukasiewicz logic, and Gödel logic. And we show that any extension of first-order typed MTL, including Łukasiewicz predicate logic, is sound and complete with respect to the corresponding categorical semantics in the style of Lawvere's hyperdoctrine, and that the so-called Baaz delta translation can be given in the first-order setting in terms of Lawvere's hyperdoctrine. A hyperdoctrine may be seen as a fibred algebra, and the first-order completeness, then, is a fibred extension of the algebraic completeness of propositional logic. While the standard real-valued semantics for Łukasiewicz predicate logic is not complete, the hyperdoctrine, or fibred algebraic, semantics is complete because it encompasses a broader class of models that is sufficient to prove completeness; in this context, incompleteness may be understood as telling that completeness does not hold when the class of models is restricted to the standard class of real-valued hyperdoctrine models. We expect that this finally leads to a unified categorical understanding of Takeuti-Titani's fuzzy models of set theory.
first-order typed fuzzy logic, categorical semantics, completeness, Baaz translation, Lawvere hyperdoctrine
2020 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, FUZZ 2020
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