Cyclic electron flow and light partitioning between the two photosystems in leaves of plants with different functional types
Sagun, Julius Ver
Badger, Murray
Chow, Wah Soon
Ghannoum, Oula
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Kluwer Academic Publishers
Cyclic electron flow (CEF) around photosystem I (PSI) is essential for generating additional ATP and enhancing efficient photosynthesis. Accurate estimation of CEF requires knowledge of the fractions of absorbed light by PSI (fI) and PSII (fII), which are only known for a few model species such as spinach. No measures of fI are available for C4 grasses under different irradiances. We developed a new method to estimate (1) fII in vivo by concurrently measuring linear electron flux through both photosystems (LEFO2) in leaf using membrane inlet mass spectrometry (MIMS) and total electron flux through PSII (ETR2) using chlorophyll fluorescence by a Dual-PAM at low light and (2) CEF as ETR1—LEFO2. For a C3 grass, fI was 0.5 and 0.4 under control (high light) and shade conditions, respectively. C4 species belonging to NADP-ME and NAD-ME subtypes had fI of 0.6 and PCK subtype had 0.5 under control. All shade-grown C4 species had fI of 0.6 except for NADP-ME grass which had 0.7. It was also observed that fI ranged between 0.3 and 0.5 for gymnosperm, liverwort and fern species. CEF increased with irradiance and was induced at lower irradiances in C4 grasses and fern relative to other species. CEF was greater in shade-grown plants relative to control plants except for C4 NADP-ME species. Our study reveals a range of CEF and fI values in different plant functional groups. This variation must be taken into account for improved photosynthetic calculations and modelling.
C4 photosynthesis, Chlorophyll fuorescence, Cyclic electron fux, Electron transport rate, Oxygen exchange rate, Photosystem
Photosynthesis Research
Journal article
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