HERMES: Revisions in the design for a high-resolution multi-element spectrograph for the AAT




Barden, Samuel Charles
Jones, Damian
Barnes, Stuart I
Heijmans, Jeroen
Heng, Anthony
Knight, Greg
Orr, David R
Smith, Greg A
Gillingham, Peter
Farrell, Tony

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SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering


The AAO is building an optical high resolution multi-object spectrograph for the AAT for Galactic Archaeology. The instrument has undergone significant design revision over that presented at the 2008 Marseilles SPIE meeting. The current design is a 4-channel VPH-grating based spectrograph providing a nominal spectral resolving power of 28,000 and a high-resolution mode of 45,000 with the use of a slit mask. The total spectral coverage is about 1000 Angstroms for up to 392 simultaneous targets within the 2 degree field of view. Major challenges in the design include the mechanical stability, grating and dichroic efficiencies, and fibre slit relay implementation. An overview of the current design and discussion of these challenges is presented.



Keywords: AAT; galactic archeology; High resolution; Multiobject; Volume phase holographic gratings; Astronomy; Design; Holographic gratings; Instruments; Mechanical stability; Spectrographs AAT; fiber; galactic archeology; high resolution; multi-object; spectrograph; volume phase holographic grating



Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering


Conference paper

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