Integrating the design and reliability assessment of a hybrid Pv-Thermal microconcentrator system




Vivar, Marta
Van Scheppingen, Ruud
Clarke, M
Everett, Vernie
Walters, Daniel
Harvey, Judith
Surve, Sachin
Muric-Nesic, Jelena
Blakers, Andrew

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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE Inc)


The Australian National University (ANU) is developing a new hybrid CPV-Thermal micro-concentrator (MCT) system working at a concentration ratio of 20 to 30X. System design and reliability testing have been integrated as concurrent processes, enabling the early optimisation of the concentrator system design. The key feature of this integrated design-test procedure is that carefully selected sets of simple tests can be conducted concurrently with the design of the concentrator module, without introducing time delays in the module design phase. Test results provide valuable information that significantly informs the design process and helps to avoid future failures. The ANU hybrid micro-concentrator receiver also provides heat for domestic applications, introducing special requirements for tests of the active cooling system. IEC 62108 tests procedures have been analysed in order to verify and extend their suitability for active cooling systems. A modified and extended test sequence is proposed to assess actively-cooled CPV and CPV-T systems.



Keywords: Active cooling; Australian National University; Concentration ratio; Concentrator modules; Concentrator systems; Concurrent process; Design process; Integrated designs; Key feature; Module design; Optimisations; Reliability assessments; Reliability testin



Proceedings of PVSC 2010


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