Oriented Internal Electrostatic Fields Cooperatively Promote Ground- and Excited-State Reactivity: A Case Study in Photochemical CO2 Capture




Blyth, Mitchell
Noble, Dr Benjamin
Russell, Isabella
Coote, Michelle

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American Chemical Society


Oriented electrostatic fields can exert catalytic effects upon both the kinetics and the thermodynamics of chemical reactions; however, the vast majority of studies thus far have focused upon ground-state chemistry and rarely consider any more than a single class of reaction. In the present study, we first use density functional theory (DFT) calculations to clarify the mechanism of CO2 storage via photochemical carboxylation of o-alkylphenyl ketones, originally proposed by Murakami et al. (J. Am. Chem. Soc.2015, 137, 14063); we then demonstrate that oriented internal electrostatic fields arising from remote charged functional groups (CFGs) can selectively and cooperatively promote both ground- and excited-state chemical reactivity at all points along the revised mechanism, in a manner otherwise difficult to access via classical substituent effects. What is particularly striking is that electrostatic field effects upon key photochemical transitions are predictably enhanced in increasingly polar solvents, thus overcoming a central limitation of the electrostatic catalysis paradigm. We explain these observations, which should be readily extendable to the ground state.





Journal of the American Chemical Society


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