A History of Culture Contact in North-Eastern New Caledonia 1774-1870
Douglas, Bronwen Phyllis
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THIS work is a study of interaction and change. The central
theme is interaction between members of two entirely
different cultural groups, Melanesians of New Caledonia and
the Europeans with whom they came into· contact between
1774 and 1870. Within this theme the main focus of
attention is the impact of culture contact on Melanesian
social organization, attitudes and way of life during the
period of intensive contact after 1843. The process was
reciprocal and to some extent self-generating, since the
attitudes and reactions of Europeans to the indigenous
society helped determine their actions and policies . The
broad process of culture contact between Melanesians and
Europeans was the most dramatic, but by no means the only
important process of interaction during this period and its
course was deeply affected by relationships within as well
as between each of the two great cultural groups. Different
groups of Melanesians reacted in different ways to the
challenge of European encroachment, while the interaction of
indigenous groups in the context of culture contact was of
profound, if not always discernible, relevance . Similarly,
the attitudes , aims, methods and mutual relationships of
various categories of European differed, and evoked a
variety of Melanesian reactions. Of prime importance in this regard was the relationship after annexation in 1853
between the French colonial authorities and the Roman
Catholic missionaries, who had settled in the archipelago
ten years earlier. The ramifications of this interaction
were far-reaching, especially in the 1860's when a bitter
conflict over ecclesiastical jurisdiction and control of
Melanesians developed under the administration of an
anticlerical governor, Charles Guillain. These considerations determined my mode of approach
and the methodology adopted. New Caledonia has been
virtually untouched by historians and by all but a few
social scientists, and there exist almost no adequate
regional or thematic studies on which to base a comprehensive
general history. The scope of this work is therefore narrow,
but is not for that reason arbitrary.
New Caledonia, culture contacts, French colonialism, Indigenous history, colonial wars
Thesis (PhD)
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