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This paper is reproduced with the permission of the publisher, the North Australia Research Unit of the Australian National University. The full bibliographic reference is as follows:

Hiscock P, 1994. The end of points, in Sullivan M, Brockwell S & Webb A (eds), Archaeology in the North: Proceedings of the 1993 Australian Archaeological Association Conference, North Australia Research Unit (ANU), 425pp. ISBN 0 7135 2030 0

The end of points

Peter Hiscock


For much of this century archaeologists working in northern Australia have perceived two types of stone points and have pondered the meaning of those types. In 1935 Davidson described two point forms, based on cross-section but incorporating a separation of bifacial from unifacial forms (Davidson 1935:160-162). The use of a bipartite division, between unifacial and bifacial points, was continued by McCarthy and Setzler (1960), Flood (1970) and others. Almost 50 years after Davidson's paper, Schrire (1982:246) expressed the question that is to be addressed in this paper, saying that,

Authors distinguish bifacial and unifacial points. The question arises as to whether this dichotomy is simply a function of the manufacturing process in that unifacial points may simply be incomplete bifacial ones.
A continuum from unifacial points with limited retouched to extensively retouched bifacial points has been suggested on a number of occasions. Following advice from F.D.McCarthy, Macintosh (1951:200) emphasised a continuous range of variation within points found in Tandandjal Cave. More recently, this proposition was supported by Smith and Cundy (1985:34) in their study of point distribution in the Northern Territory. Similar patterns may also be suggested by observations of manufacture for trade. For example, in their discussion of bifacial points in Arnhem Land, Jones and Johnson (1985:199) implied that only "finished" bifaces were traded or used.

Equally well entrenched in the literature is the view that unifacial and bifacial point forms are distinctively different in space, time, manufacture and even function. Throughout the last two decades it has been commonplace for researchers to argue in favour of at least two separate varieties of point in Australia. Morphological information has been used to support a bipartite division by many researchers (eg. Flood 1970; Schrire 1982; Flenniken and White 1985; Allen and Barton nd). From this view each of the two kinds of points is used for broadly similar functions, but has a unique process of manufacture, often involving different raw materials, and perhaps different spatial and temporal distributions.

In this paper I will examine the evidence for bifacial and unifacial points being successive forms in a continuous process of shaping, use, and reshaping, rather than discrete end products. My purpose is to show that an answer to Schrire's question is available, although it requires the collection of novel data. Conventional research has repeatedly attempted to investigate this classificatory question using simple measurements of point dimensions or rock types. Unfortunately, such measures fail to reveal the relationship between bifacial and unifacial points in northern Australia. A review of the alternative models highlights the nature of measurements that best yield information about the perceived dichotomy in point types.


Two models describing the relationship between bifacial and unifacial points are illustrated in Figure 1. The DIVERGENCE MODEL posits that the two point forms are independent and mutually exclusive end products, constructed using different procedures from a common antecedent form or unretouched flakes. This vision identifies different forms as the result of complex, branching trends analogous to the phylogenetic patterns labelled cladogenesis in organisms. In contrast, the SEQUENCE MODEL perceives a unilinear trend, with unretouched flakes manufactured into unifacial flakes that in turn are converted into bifacial points. This model identifies different forms as stages within a single lineage, analogous to a phyletic structure labelled anagenesis in organic evolution.

Figure 1. Two models of the relationship of bifacial and unifacial points.

Although both models have been considered in the literature, it is the divergence model that is favoured by most researchers. A few examples will illustrate the recent application of the divergence model to stone points in northern Australia.

In many instances the preference for the divergence model is based on analysis of point raw materials and dimensions. For example, in addressing the possibility of unifacial points in Arnhem Land rockshelters being incomplete bifacial points Schrire (1982:246) observed that,

...the Jimeri sites suggests that the dichotomy reflects discrete types, because quartzite points are usually bifacially worked, while unifacial ones are often made of quartz.
Brockwell (1989:68) has noted that this observation cannot be generalised beyond the Jimeri sites, because on sites throughout the South Alligator River wetlands bifacial and unifacial points occur in approximately similar proportions on quartz as well as quartzite. Nor does the Jimeri pattern occur at Ngarradj Warde Djobkeng, where both unifacial and bifacial points are made on a number of materials (Table 1).

Table 1.
Raw materials of points at Ngarradj Warde Djobkeng
(data from Allen and Barton nd:60-61)
Quartzite Chert Other TOTAL
Unifacial 10 (58.8%) 4 (23.5%) 3 (17.6%) 17
Bifacial 103 (83.7%) 19 (15.5%) 1 (0.8%) 123

Hence the covariation between rock type and point form does not consistently indicate bifacial points were constructed from different materials to unifacial points, preventing transformation from one to the other. In any case the pattern observed in the Jimeri sites does not deny a model of sequential change, since it may imply only that quartzite unifacial points were regularly reworked into a bifacial form whereas quartz unifacial points were not. Put simply, this raw material patterning is not in itself a test of the two models, it merely highlights differential reduction in various rock types.

Artefact size has also been employed in attempts to demonstrate the divergence model. This procedure was pioneered by Flood (1967, 1970) who carried out extensive statistical analyses on the massive collection of stone points from Yarar rockshelter, which lies to the south of Port Keats. Her investigation concentrated on length, width, thickness and weight measures together with a range of non-metrical characteristics relating to retouch location and extent. Size differences between unifacial and bifacial forms at Yarar are summarised in Table 2. The distinction between average size of unifacial and bifacial points is small, typically only 1-2 millimetres in any direction or 1 gram in weight. However, because of the large samples, t-tests indicate that these differences are statistically significant at p=0.005 or better. Flood therefore inferred that two separate types were represented in the assemblage. She concluded,
A detailed analysis of all broken points in the site showed them to divide into two main types, the unifacially and bifacially trimmed, but differentiated by other characteristics as well as the location of their secondary trimming. Thus the bifacials tended to be smaller, but more symmetrical and more fully-trimmed than the unifacials. A whole range of intermediate varieties also occurred, but these largely proved to be variants of the normal unifacial points. (Flood 1970:27).
Although this is a neat demonstration of the differences between the two forms, it is not evidence that can easily be used in support of the divergence model. Indeed, bifacial points that are smaller and more reduced than unifacial points would be the precise expectation of the sequence model, which implies specimens losing mass as they are retouched on the second face. As O'Connor (1990:210) has noted, the argument for two discrete and immutable types would be far more convincing if the bifaces were larger and heavier than the retouched unifacial points. At Yarar this is not so.

Table 2
Dimensions of points at Yarar
(Data from Flood 1970)
Length (mm) Width (mm) Thickness (mm) Weight (gm) N
Unifacial 35.79+/-5.85 22.09+/-3.95 9.92+/-2.02 7.05+/-3.46 554
Bifacial 34.01+/-6.21 21.11+/-3.98 9.12+/-2.41 6.02+/-3.61 181
t 3.39 2.88 4.03 3.36

Evidence from Arnhem Land has been used to suggest that at other sites bifacial points are larger than unifacial ones and cannot therefore be generated from unifacial specimens. For example, Allen and Barton (nd:60) imply the two point forms are distinct at Ngarradj Warde Djobkeng because the average length and width of bifacial points exceed that of unifacial points (Table 3). However t-tests reveal that the differences between the samples are not significant at even the p=0.10 level. Consequently these data, while not duplicating the trend found at Yarar, certainly do not provide reliable evidence for an opposite trend.

Table 3
Dimensions of points at Ngarradj Warde Djobkeng
(Data from Allen and Barton nd:59)
Length (mm) Width (mm) Thickness (mm) Weight (gm) N
Unifacial 40+/-11 20+/-4 8+/-3 6+/-4 10
Bifacial 45+/-9 22+/-4 8+/-2 7+/-3 38
t 1.33 1.00 0 0.54

Furthermore, such analyses of point dimensions and weight actually fail to test for the presence of either the divergence or sequence models. Each point undergoes separate reduction, and consequently the applicability of a sequence model to a particular biface specimen cannot be evaluated by the size of unifacial points. For example, if small unifacial points were discarded but larger unifacial points reworked to form bifacial points then the archaeological patterns might consist of bifacial points that were often larger than unifacial points. The lesson is that testing these competing models should focus on examinations of the manufacture of individual specimens rather than merely the contrast between unifacial and bifacial forms.

For this reason, perhaps the strongest statement of unifacial and bifacial points as separate and immutable forms comes from studies of technology. The most detailed of such technological studies is that of Flenniken and White (1985) and is based primarily on Flenniken's experience in replicating archaeological points from the New World. They argue that for technical reasons bifacial points must be constructed in such a way as to prevent unifacial points being converted into bifaces. This replicative understanding was reinforced by examination of museum specimens. Flenniken and White (1985:148) conclude that
...the only technical difference among prehistoric and recent points in Australia is between unifacial points ('points', 'unifacial points', and 'pirri points') and bifacial points ('bifacial points' and 'Kimberley points').
The technical difference Flenniken and White refer to is the order in which flakes have been removed from various faces on the point. They argue that in constructing a bifacial point, reduction must initially proceed through reduction of the ventral surface of a flake. In contrast, the manufacture of unifacial points was initiated by removing material from the dorsal surface of a flake. Because the manufacture of each type of point is begun on opposing surfaces, Flenniken and White (1985:148) conclude that the two forms begin and remain distinguishable. They express their argument as follows,
The attempt to change a plano-convex cross-section into a bi-convex cross-section resulted from a deliberate technological change designed to produce a 'bifacial point'. To produce a point with a bi-convex cross-section, the knapper had to establish platforms on the preform by first removing flakes from the ventral surface...and then abrading the margins. This action moved the margins of the preform toward the middle of its mass so that flakes could be removed successfully from both faces...This technique produces a true bifacial point...
In this statement Flenniken and White provide a reliable method by which to determine whether the divergence model or the sequence model can be applied to individual specimens. If a bifacial point shows the same manufacturing sequence as unifacial points, then the sequence model may apply; whereas if a bifacial point shows a different sequence to unifacial points the divergence model must apply. Using this proposition points from two regions in northern Australia were examined to determine which of the two models depicted in Figure 1 best describes the relationship between unifacial and bifacial forms.


Jimeri II, a rockshelter in the Arnhem Land escarpment excavated by Schrire (1982), was selected for examination. The archaeological assemblage recovered from Level I contains 187 points, dated to the last 5,000 years. This site is ideal for the analysis presented here, not only because of the large sample of points, but also because it is one of the sites used by Schrire to argue for a divergence model of point typology.

Points from this site were examined for information about the order of retouch. Both broken and complete points were included in the analysis. Since virtually all of the broken specimens were butts each specimen can be taken to represent a point, with no danger of double counting two fragments from the one specimen. Only quartzite points have been analysed, to reduce the effects of raw material properties on retouching patterns. As noted above quartzite points are commonly bifacially flaked, whereas points made on other materials such as quartz are not. Using a 5x hand lens each specimen was examined, and where the order of retouching could be reliably determined, the face that had been flaked first was recorded (Table 4). Specimens for which the ventral and dorsal faces could not be distinguished were eliminated from consideration. This usually occurred in the most fully retouched bifaces, where the entire surface of both faces was completely covered by scars and there was a lenticular cross-section.

In most specimens it is obvious that the complete history of retouching could be recorded in this fashion, and that only two phases of retouching have occurred: removal of flakes from one surface followed by the removal of flakes from the opposite surface. This was typically demonstrated by remnants of the unretouched ventral or dorsal surfaces indicating that much of the retouching process was recorded by flake scars still visible on the specimen. Exceptions may exist where both faces were extensively covered by invasive flake scars. In these cases evidence for earlier marginal retouch may have been removed by later retouching, and the observations in Table 4 would then relate to the penultimate rather than the first face to have been retouched. While it is likely that this mechanism may sometimes make my analysis inaccurate, in the vast majority of specimens it obvious that a hidden third phase does not exist. As noted above, where retouching was sufficiently extensive to make interpretations unreliable the specimen was excluded from the analysis. Consequently the data in Table 4 is considered to be a reliable indication of manufacturing patterns.

Table 4
Retouch patterns on quartzite points from Jimeri II (level I),
using specimen counts
Dorsal first Ventral first Both Total
Unifacial 10 1 0 11
Bifacial 26 4 7 37
Total 36 5 7 48

Most unifacial points were retouched on the dorsal face, although one specimen was retouched only on the ventral face. Bifacial points display a broadly similar pattern, with most having been retouched on the dorsal-face first, and only then having flakes removed from the ventral surface. Seven bifacial points display initial retouching on both faces. This occurs primarily because on those specimens one margin has a dorsal-first pattern, while the other lateral margin shows a ventral-first pattern.

Clearly, the bifacial points do not generally show the ventral-first retouching pattern predicted by Flenniken and White (1985). Indeed only on one-eighth of the bifacial points was manufacture begun retouching the ventral surface. This observation has several implications. Firstly, the archaeological data demonstrate that removing flakes from the ventral surface prior to removing them from the dorsal face it is not a technical requirement for the creation of a bifacial point; it is not even a common procedure for prehistoric knappers at Jimeri II. Secondly, a ventral-first process clearly does exist, and it coexists with a dorsal-first procedure. Hence there are several ways of retouching a flake to form a point (ventral-first, dorsal-first, and both-dorsal-and-ventral-first on different margins). These patterns may simply be variants of a flexible technology, used as when appropriate. More detailed analyses of these assemblages are being carried out by the author to establish the interpretation of this technological diversity within bifacial points.

Another implication of this data is its support for the sequence model in which unifacial points can be transformed into bifacial points. Bifacial points are frequently made by flaking the dorsal face, and then the ventral. This means that prior to the retouch of the ventral face the specimens were typical of unifacial points. Such a conclusion applies to not only specimens with dorsal-first retouch, but also to those with a ventral-first pattern of retouch. The unifacial point retouched on the ventral face has bifacial counterparts that have been retouched first on the ventral face. Moreover, the frequency of ventral-first patterns on unifacial points (9%) is replicated on bifacial points (11%). Consequently, transformations from unifacial to bifacial points could have occurred on every bifacial specimen represented in Table 4.

Reworking of existing unifacial points to form bifaces is therefore technically feasible, and on the basis of this data I would consider it likely. The amount of time points spend in a unifacial form before being transformed, and the functions for which they were used (if any), are not currently known. Specific investigations will be necessary to define the nature of the transformation. Similarly, these issues need to be examined in other regions beyond Kakadu if we are to determine the widespread applicability of the sequence model. As a contribution to these explorations a second study, located in northwest Queensland, is presented here.


At Lawn Hill Station, in the Gulf of Carpentaria, unifacial and bifacial points were manufactured from greywacke that cropped out as low hills on an otherwise flat plain (Hiscock 1988a). Retouching flakes to form points was an activity not carried out on the greywacke quarries, and it is likely that retouching of the points continued as they were transported around the landscape, broken, re-shaped and re-hafted. A study of 35 points collected from sites and background scatter on the plain indicates that the retouching process was generally undertaken in a particular sequence. Table 5 shows that it was common for points to be flaked on one or two margins but relatively uncommon for them to be flaked on both lateral margins and the butt. Moreover, the table shows that the more margins flaked on a point, the more likely it was that these margins would have been flaked bifacially.

Table 5
Retouch patterns on greywacke points from Lawn Hill
Retouched on
one margin
Retouched on
two margins
Retouched on
three margins
Unifacial 14 5 0 19
Bifacial 0 10 6 16
Total 14 15 6 35

All of the unifacial points have retouch scars only on the dorsal surface. If this represents the first phase of point flaking, then bifacial points manufactured from unifacial points should consistently show that the flaking of the ventral surface is superimposed upon flaking of the dorsal face. Table 6 shows that this pattern is found in the sample of points studied.

Table 6
Flaking patterns on bifacial points at Lawn Hill
Face flaked first Number of specimens Percentage of collection
Dorsal 11 73
Both 3 20
Ventral 1 7

Points at Lawn Hill show clear signs of increased reduction away from the greywacke outcrops. The average size of greywacke points decreases from 8.6 cm near the quarries, to 6.5 cm in the gorge country 20-30 km south of the quarries (N=65). This trend is accompanied by an increase in the proportion of bifacial points over unifacial points, because the latter are worked down to become bifacial (Figure 2).

These data suggest that when flakes were removed from the greywacke quarries they were usually retouched by removing flakes from along one lateral margin on the dorsal surface. At a later time the second margin might have been flaked in a similar fashion, and eventually one or both of these margins might have been made bifacial by the removal of flakes from the ventral surface. Thus at Lawn Hill there is a technological continuum from unifacial to bifacial points, as the former are gradually transformed into the latter.

Figure 2. Historgram showing the increasing proportion of points with greater distance to raw material source at Lawn Hill.

There is no technological evidence to suggest that only the points flaked on both margins and both faces were used and that points with less retouch are merely preforms, the scheme developed for North American points (eg. Crabtree 1966). Since points at Lawn Hill were not invariably flaked on both margins and both faces before being carried around the landscape, it is likely that most of these point forms were functional and that the variation in form resulted from re-sharpening and re-shaping. Use-wear investigations might test the proposition that points at all stages of manufacture have been used.


One so-called 'type' merges continuously into another, and to demarcate boundaries between them seems artificial. (Macintosh 1951:200).

Evaluation of published arguments, together with the presentation of new data, confirms this view of N.W.G.Macintosh that there may be a morphological and technological continuum between unifacial and bifacial points in northern Australia. Observations of points at Jimeri II and Lawn Hill indicate that the Sequence model is consistent with the archaeological patterning. Consequently, I hypothesise that many of the bifacial points in northern sites may have initially been unifacial points that were transformed as further retouching took place. This proposition, in itself, does not imply that the points were used in their unifacial stage, being further retouched as an act of resharpening/reshaping, although a range of contextual information suggests that this was likely for at least some bifacial forms.
Hence the division of points in northern Australia into unifacial and bifacial varieties may, as Macintosh stated, be an arbitrary break in a continuum. However, this does not mean that such an arbitrary division is not a useful archaeological device. On the contrary, typological sub-divisions that broadly identify stages in a process may be simple mechanisms by which to examine the extent of the process in any site or region. In a similar way the arbitrary division of tulas into tula and slug has facilitated quantification of the extent of reduction in different assemblages (Hiscock 1988b).
Schrire's contrast between plateau valley assemblages and plains' assemblages can be employed to illustrate the use of classifications measuring process in this way. She observed that stone implements were rare at the plains sites, and that stone may have been replaced by shell and bone as the material for tools (Schrire 1982:249-250). If substitutions of that kind occurred because suitable stone was rare or absent on the plains, then it would be expected that points that were transported onto the plain would be extensively reshaped/resharpened to extend their use-life. In contrast, the plateau valley sites have greater access to replacement stone and would not be expected to reflect extensive reworking of points. Because bifacial points display more extensive retouching we would therefore predict that the ratio of bifacial:unifacial points would be higher in Schrire's plains sites than in the plateau valley assemblages she describes. In fact, the bifacial:unifacial ratio of combined plains sites is 9.7:1, a ratio that is substantially higher than the 3.7:1 for combined plateau valley sites. One aspect of assemblage differences between the plain and plateau sites described by Schrire may therefore be the extent to which unifacial points have been transformed into bifacial points in an attempt to prolong their functionality.
Acceptance that a sequence model best describes the relationship between unifacial and bifacial points has implications beyond explaining existing models of assemblage variation. The new kinds of data presented in this paper, such as patterns of retouching and scar superimposition, reveal insights into regional variability in prehistoric technology. In this regard comparison of the point manufacture at Jimeri II with that of Lawn Hill is instructive. Table 7 shows the frequency of specimens with dorsal-first, ventral-first, or mixed patterns of retouching. As the percentages indicate, the frequency of each pattern is extremely similar. This is confirmed by x² = 0.211 (d.f. = 2, p = 0.90), although small samples make evaluation of this statistic difficult. The similarity of point manufacture patterns from such distant areas suggests that the pattern described in Table 7 may be widespread or ubiquitous. Intriguingly, both areas show a diversity of reduction sequences, all producing bifacial points. Combined with the dominance of bifacial points that were flaked on the dorsal face first, this diversity of production patterns refutes the assertions by Flenniken and White (1985) about a single procedure for constructing bifacial points in northern Australia.

Table 7
Comparison of flaking patterns on bifacial points at
Jimeri II and Lawn Hill
Dorsal first Ventral first Both N
Jimeri II 26 (70.3%) 4 (10.8%) 7 (18.9%) 37
Lawn Hill 11 (73.3%) 1 (6.67%) 3 (20.0%) 15

Refutation of Flenniken and White's (1985) model of a single process for bifacial point production raises questions about the diversity of manufacturing processes in northern Australia, and the range of ways in which unifacial points were converted to bifacial points. Data supplied in this paper suggest that during prehistoric times there were multiple paths to the creation of a bifacial point, but that the relative frequency of each production pathway was roughly the same in several regions across the north. What we now need are explorations of the inter- and intra-regional variability in these patterns of point production.


The end of points is best described by a sequence model. When their time span as unifacial points is finished, they may often be reworked rather than discarded. In this way many unifacial points have been transformed into bifacial points. Consequently, while some unifacial points were discarded in that state, other unifacial points were transformed into bifacial points before they were discarded. Perception of this transformational process raises the possibility that bifacial points may have been transformed into other artefact forms. This issue will be examined in a separate paper. Transformation of one form into another has implications for the explanation of assemblage variability. In western Arnhem Land it appears that intersite variability in the point forms at least partly reflects dissimilar rates for the transformation of unifacial to bifacial points in different environmental and economic contexts. Such transformations deserve wider study across northern Australia.


I thank the Museums and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory, and particularly Kim Akerman and Norma Richardson, for providing access to the Jimeri II collection. I thank Kim Akerman, Sally Brockwell, Robin Gregory, Scott Mitchell, and Ian Walters for their comments on the draft of this paper.


Allen,H. and G.Barton n.d. Ngarradj Warde Djobkeng. Oceania Monograph 37.

Brockwell,C.J. 1989 Archaeological investigations of the Kakadu wetlands, northern Australia. M.A. thesis, Australian National University.

Crabtree,D.E. 1966 A stoneworker's approach to analyzing and replicating the Lindenmeier Folsom. Tebiwa 9(1):3-39.

Davidson,D.S. 1935 Archaeological problems of Northern Australia. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. 65:145-184.

Flenniken,J.J. and J.P.White 1985 Australian flaked stone tools: a technological perspective. Records of the Australian Museum 36:131-151.

Flood,J.M. 1966 Archaeology of Yarar Shelter. Unpublished MA thesis. Australian National University.

Flood,J.M. 1970 A point assemblage from the Northern Territory. Archaeology and Physical Anthropology in Oceania, 5(1):27-52.

Hiscock,P.D. 1988a Prehistoric settlement patterns and artefact manufacture at Lawn Hill, Northwest Queensland. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Queensland.

Hiscock,P. 1988b A cache of tulas from the Boulia District of Western Queensland. Archaeology in Oceania 23(2):60-70

Jones,R., and I.Johnson 1985 Deaf Adder Gorge: Lidner Site, Nauwalabila 1. In R.Jones (ed.) Archaeological Research in Kakadu National Park. Pp.165-228. Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service Publication 13. Canberra: Australian National University.

McCarthy,F.D. and F.M.Setzler 1960 The archaeology of Arnhem Land. In C.P.Mountford (ed.) Records of the American - Australian Scientific Expedition to Arnhem Land, Vol. 2. Melbourne University press. Pp.215-295.

Macintosh,N.W.G. 1951 Archaeology of Tandandjal Cave, South-west Arnhem Land. Oceania 21:178-213.

O'Connor,S. 1990 30,000 years in the Kimberley: a prehistory of the islands of the Buccaneer Archipelago and Adjacent mainland, West Kimberley, Western Australia. Phd Thesis, University of Western Australia.

Schrire,C. 1982 The Alligator Rivers prehistory and ecology in western Arnhem Land. Terra Australis 7. Department of Prehistory, Australian National University.

Smith,M.A. and B.J.Cundy 1985 Distribution maps for flaked stone points and backed blades in the Northern Territory. Australian Aboriginal Studies. 1985/2:32-37.

Information on the volume that contains this paper.


Edited by Marjorie Sullivan, Sally Brockwell & Ann Webb The primary focus of the 1993 AAA Conference was current themes in northern Australian archaeological research, and many of the papers in this edited volume present the results of recent work in this region, such as the debate over 'middens, mounds and megapodes'. There are also papers covering a range of regional research topics including the prehistoric human occupation of Bass Strait, the ancient civilisation of Copan, Honduras, the cultural value of forests, and the role of Tasmanian Devils in the formation of faunal assemblages. The book is dedicated to one of the pioneers of Australian archaeology, Fred McCarthy, and includes reviews of his contribution to the development of the discipline of archaeology in Australia.



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Author: Peter Hiscock, Dept. Archaeology and Anthropology
Date Last Modified: Thursday, 1-May-97