Henryk Grossman bibliography

Prepared by Rick Kuhn
School of Social Science
Faculty of Arts
Australian National University
ACT 0200

27 August 2006



This bibliography was prepared by Rick Kuhn in the course of a project that has given rise to the following publications:

Henryk Grossman and the recovery of Marxism, University of Illinois Press, Champaign 2007.

'Introduction to Henryk Grossman's critique of Franz Borkenau and Max Weber' Journal of classical sociology 6 (2) July 2006, pp. 195-200.

'Henryk Grossman and the recovery of Marxism' Historical materialism 13 (3) 2005, pp. 57-100 (preprint version http://eprints.anu.edu.au/archive/00002810/01/Henryk_Grossman_and_the_recovery_of_Marxism_preprint.pdf).

'Economic crisis and socialist revolution: Henryk Grossman's Law of accumulation, its first critics and his responses' in Paul Zarembka (ed.) Neoliberalism in crisis, accumulation, and Rosa Luxemburg's legacy: Research in political economy 21, Elsevir, Amsterdam 2004, pp. 181-221 (preprint version http://eprints.anu.edu.au/archive/00002400/01/Economic_crisis_and_socialist_revolution_eprint_secure.pdf).

'The tradition of Jewish anti-Zionism in the Galician socialist movement' Australasian Political Studies Association Conference, Canberra , 2-4 October, 2002 , http://auspsa.anu.edu.au/proceedings/2002/kuhn.pdf. Revised version http://eprints.anu.edu.au/archive/00002904/01/Tradition_of_Jewish_anti-Zionism_in_the_Galician_socialist_movement.pdf.

'The Jewish Social Democratic Party of Galicia and the Bund', in Jack Jacobs (ed.) Jewish politics in Eastern Europe: the Bund at 100 Palgrave/New York University Press, London/New York 2001, pp. 133-154 .

'Żydowska Partia Socjalno-Demokratyczna Galicji a Bund' in Feliks Tych and Jürgen Hensl Bund 100 lat historii: 1897-1997 Fundacja im. Ericha Brosta przy Fundacji im Friedricha Erberta, ŻydowskiInstytut Historicyczny, Instytut Badawczo-Naukowy, Warsaw 2000, pp. 145-170 .

'Henryk Grossman, a Marxist activist and theorist: on the 50th anniversary of his death' in Paul Zarembka and Susanne Soederberg (eds) Value, capitalist dynamics, and money: Research in Political Economy 18, Elsevir Science, New York 2000, pp. 111-170 . Postprint version http://eprints.anu.edu.au/archive/00003297/01/RPE_1_postprint.pdf.

Preface to Henryk Grossman 'The theory of economic crisis' in Paul Zarembka and Susanne Soederberg (eds) Value, capitalist dynamics, and money: Research in Political Economy 18, Elsevir Science, New York 2000, pp. 172-174 .

'Capital development' Socialist Review 245 October 2000, pp. 22-23 , http://www.anu.edu.au/polsci/rick/capitaldevelopment.htm.

'Capitalist breakdown controversy' in Phillip O'Hara (ed.) The encyclopedia of political economy Routledge, London and New York 1999, pp. 69-72.

'Jewish socialists in Galicia and Marxist debates over the national question before World War I' paper presented to the Political Thought and Capitalism Seminar University o f Newcastle 17-19 February 1998 , http://eprints.anu.edu.au/archive/00002598/01/Jewish_socialists_and_national_question.pdf.

'Henryk Grossman in Galicia' in Antoni Komendera, RomanPadola and Michal Sliwa (eds) O czlowieku i wartosciach. Ksiega pamiatkowa poswiecona 35-leciu pracy naukowej i 40-leciu pracy nauczycielskiej Profesora Jana Szmyda Wydawnictwo Naukowe WSP, Kraków, 1997, pp. 318-334 .

'Grossmann on class struggle, beyond exegesis: a response to Lapides'Science & society 61 (2) Summer 1997, pp. 236-243.

'Capitalism's collapse: Henryk Grossmann's Marxism' Science & society 59 (2) Summer 1995, pp. 174-193.

Material by Henryk Grossman

Items are listed by their dates of publication. The author's name is that given in the item.

Books and articles

Grossman, Henryk Proletariat wobec kwestii żydowskiej z powodu niedyskutowanej dyskusyi w 'Krytyce' (The proletariat and the Jewish question, arising from the undiscussed discussion in Krytyka) Kraków, Drukani Wladysława Teodorczuka, January 1905, pp. 45. Also published in a modified Yiddish version: Yiddish form, 'Dem proletariat benegeye tsu der yidenfrage' in Yidisher sotsial-demokrat 1, April 1905, pp. 6-13 and 3, June 1905, pp. 7-11.

'Od redakcyi' ('From the editor') Zjednoczenie 1, February 1905, pp. 1-3. Grossman edited this issue of Zjednoczenie.

Komitet organizacyjny Żydowskiej Partyi socyalno-demokraticyczney w GalicyiCzego chcemy? (What do we want?) Kraków April 30 1905, pp. 8. Also published in Yiddish: 'Vos Viln Mir?' ('What do we want?') Yidisher sotsial-demokrat 2, May 1905, pp. 1-9. Grossman wrote this manifesto, according to Leon Feyner 'Di bundishe presse in Krake fun 1905 bis 1930' Historisher samlbuch: materialn un dokumentn tsushtayer tsu der geshikhte fun algemainer yidishn arbeter-bund Farlag 'Ringen', Warsaw 1948, p. 18. Solomon Reyzen indicated Grossman 'published' the manifesto Leksikon fun der yidisher literatur, prese un filologie Volume 1, Vilner Farlag fun B. Kletskin, 2nd edition, Vilno 192, 6 column 616.

'Odpowiedzi Polskiej Partyi Soc.-Dem. Galicyi' ('Reply to the Polish Social Democratic Party of Galicia') in Żydowska Partya Socyalno-Demokratyczna GalicyiPrzed Kongresem Kraków , 2 June 1905, pp. 1-6. Probably written by Grossman, according to Henryk Piasecki Sekcja Żydowska PPSD i Żydowska Partia Socjalno-Demokratyczna, Zakład Narodowy imienia Ossolińskich, Wrocław, p. 126.

Jüdische sozial-demokratische Partei in Galizien Bericht zum Gesamt-Parteitage der Oesterreichischen Sozialdemokratie in Wien 1905 (1 Mai-23 Oktober 1905) , (Report to the Congress of the General Austrian Social Democratic Party in Vienna 1905 (1 May-23 October 1905) 'Der Sozialdemokrat', Krakau 1905, pp. 2.

Jüdische sozial-demokratische Partei in Galizien An die Sozialdemokraten in Oesterreich! (To the Social Democrats of Austria) 'Der Sozialdemokrat', Krakau 1905. Grossman wrote this appeal, according to Leon Feyner, 'Di bundishe presse in Krake fun 1905 bis 1930' Historisher samlbuch: materialn un dockumentn tsushtayer tsu der geshikhte fun algemainer yidishn arbeter-bund) Farlag 'Ringen', Warsaw 1948, p. 19, pp. 2.

Grossmann, Jindřich 'Židovska Strana Sociálne Demokraticka v Haliči' ('The Jewish Social Democratic Party of Galicia') Akademie: Socialisticka Revue 1906. German translation 'Die Jüdische Sozialdemokratische Partei in Galizien' in Raimund Löw Der Zerfall der 'Kleinen Internationale': Nationalitätenkonflikte in der Arbeiterbewegung des alten Österreich (1889-1914) Europaverlag, Wien 1984, pp. 220-227.

Grossman, Henryk Der Bundizm in galitsien (Bundism in Galicia) Ferlag der Sotsial-democrat , Kraków 1907 (cover indicates 1908, title page 1907), pp. 48, dedicated to the 10th Anniversary of the Bund in Russia. Also published in Der sotsial-demokrat between September 13 1907 and November 29 1907.

Grossmann, Henryk 'Eine Wiener Volkszählung im Jahre 1777' (A Viennese census in the year 1777) Statistische Monatshrift new series 16, 1911, pp. 56-58.

Grossman, Henryk Rozległość Galicyi po zajęciu jej przez Austrę' ('The size of Galicia after its occupation by Austria') Kwartalnik Historyczny 15, 1911, pp. 472-478.

Grossman, Henryk 'Polityka przemysłowa i handlowa rządu Terezynansko-Józefińskiego w Galicyi 1772-1790: Referat na V. Zjazd prawnikow i ekonomistow polskich' ('The industrial and commercial policy of the Theresian-Josephine regime in Galicia 1772-1790: Thesis for the V. Congress of Polish Economists') (Till's) Przeglad prawa i administracyi , 1912, pp. 1-43.

Grossmann, Henryk 'Die amtliche Statistik des galizischen Aussenhandels 1772-1792' ('The Official Statistics of Galician Foreign Trade 1772-1792') Statistische Monatshrift , new series 18, 1913, pp. 222-233.

Grossmann, Henryk Österreichs Handelspolitik mit Bezug auf Galizien in der Reformperiode 1772-1790 (Austria's trade policy with regard to Galicia in the reform period 1772-1790) appeared as Studien zur Soziale-, Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsgeschichte, herausgegeben von Carl Grünberg, 10.Heft Konegen, Wien 1914, pp. xvii + 510.

Grossmann, Henryk 'Die Anfänge und geschichtlich Entwicklung der amtlichen Statistik in Österreich' ('The beginnings and historical development of official statistics in Austria') Statistische Monatschrift , new series 21, 1916, pp. 331-423. Also appeared as 'Sonderdruck aus dem Juni-Juli-Heft der Statistichen Monatschrift', new series 21, 1916, pp. 93.

Grossmann, Henryk 'Erwiderung' ('Reply') Statistichen Monatschrift 21, 1916, pp. 676-677.

Grossmann, Henryk 'Die Kreditorganisation des Königreiches Polen vor dem Kriege' ('The organisation of credit in the Kindom of Poland before the War'), in Ludwig Ćwikliński (ed.) Das Königreich Polen vor dem Kriege (1815-1914): Zehn Vorträge, gehalten in Wien im März 1917 Deuticke, Leipzig and Wien 1917, pp. 180-209.

Grossman, Henryk 'Znaczenie i zadania pierwszego proszechnego ludności w Polsce' ('Significance and tasks of the first general census in Poland') Miesięcznik Statysticzny 1, 1920, pp. 88-106.

Grossman, Henryk 'Statystyka ruchu towaronego na kolejach zelaznych' ('The statistics of railway freight and goods transport'), Miesięcznik Statysticzny 3, 1921, pp. 1-28.

Grossman, Henryk 'Majątek społeczny Królestwa Polskiego' ('The social wealth of the Kingdom of Poland') Miesiêcznik Statysticzny 5, 1922, pp. 255-277.

Grossman, Henryk 'Teorja kryzysów gospodarczych (The theory of economic crises)', Bulletin International de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences et des Lettres. Classe de Philologie. Classe d'Histoire et de Philosophie. Les Années 1919,1920 (presented June 16 1919) 1922, pp. 285-290. Reprinted, with a preface by Rick Kuhn, in Paul Zarembka and Susanne Soederberg (eds) Value, capitalist dynamics, and money: Research in political economy 18, Elsevir Science, New York, 2000, pp. 171-180.

Grossman, Henryk 'Przycznek do historji socjalizmu w Polsce przed laty czterdziestu' ('Some historical notes on socialism in Poland forty years ago') introduction to Karol Marks: Pisma niewydane, 1 Listy Marksa do Kugelmana, 2 Przyczynek do Krytyki socjaldemokratycznego programu partyjnego. Przełożył, wstępem iI uwagami zaopatrzył, Prof. Dr. H. Grossman (Karl Marx: Unpublished Works, 1 Letter to Kugelmann, 2 Introduction to the Critique of the Social Democratic Party Program. Translated, introduced and annotated by Prof. Dr H. Grossman) Książka, Warsaw, 1923, pp. iii-xxvii.

Grossman, Henryk 'Ekonomiczny system Karola Marksa' ('The economic system of Karl Marx') Kultura Robotnicza 2 (10) number 32, 17 March 1923, pp. 295-299.

Grossman, Henryk Simonde de Sismondi et ses théories économiques. Une nouvelle interprétation de sa pensée (Simonde de Sismondi and his economic theories: a new interpretation of his thought) Bibliotheca Universitatis Liberae Polonae fasc . 11, Warszawa 1924, pp. 77. Italian translation 'Sismondi e la critica del capitalismo' as an appendix to Aldo G. Ricci (ed.)Chiarimenti sull'equilibrio tra produzione e consumo, di Simonde de Sismondi Laterza, Bari, 1972.

Grossman, Henryk 'Struktura społeczna i gospodarcza Księstwa Warszawskiego na podstawie spisów ludności 1808-1810 roku' ('The social and economic structure of the Duchy of Warsaw on the basis of the results of the censes of 1808 and 1810') Kwartalnik Statystyczny 2, 1925, Warsaw, pp. 1-108. (With a French abstract, Henri Grossman 'La structure social et économique du Duché de Varsovie' Revue trimenstrielle de statistique 2 (1), 1925).

Grossmann, Henryk 'Eine neue Theorie über Imperialismus und die soziale Revolution' (' A new theory of imperialism and the social revolution'), Archiv für die Geschichte des Sozialismus und der Arbeiterbewegung 13, 1928, pp. 141-192.

Grossmann, Henryk Das Akkumulations- und Zusammenbruchsgetz des kapitalistischen Systems (zugleich eine Krisentheorie) (The law of accumulation and collapse of the capitalist system (also a theory of crisis) ) Schriften des Instituts für Sozialforschung an der Universitität Frankfurt am Main, edited by Carl Grünberg, volume 1, C. L. Hirschfeld Verlag, Leipzig, 1929, pp. xvi+628. Republished in 1967 (with an introduction by Wolf Rosenbaum and a biographical note by Klaus H. Hennings) and 1970 (without Rosenbaum's introduction) by Verlag Neue Kritik, Frankfurt am Main. Japanese edition with a preface by Grossman Shihon no chikuseki narabi ni hokai no riron translated by Hiromi Arisawa and Katsumi Moritani, Kaizosha, Tokyo, 1932, pp. 832. Italian edition Il crollo del capitalismo: La legge dell' accumulazione e del crollo del sistema capitalista translated by L. Gianninazzi, preface by Rocco Buttiglione, Jaca Book, Milano, 1977. Spanish edition La ley de la acumulación y del derrumbe del sistema capitalista: una teoría de la crisis introduced and edited by Jorge Tula, Siglo Veintiuno Editores, México, 1979. Serbo-Croat edition Zakon akumulacije i sloma kapitalistickog sistema (ujedno i teorija kriza) Prosveta, Beograd, 1983, translated by Mara Fran with an appendix by Mara Fran 'Beleska o piscu i delu' ('A comment on the writer and his work') pp. 477-481. English edition, The law of accumulation and breakdown of the capitalist system: being also a theory of crises translated and abridged by Jairus Banaji, introduced by Tony Kennedy, Pluto Press, London, 1992. This lacks the final part of the German editions. A section of this part, on wages and class struggle, can be found in Kenneth Lapides 'Henryk Grossmann on Marx's wage theory and the “increasing misery” controversy' History of political economy 26 (2), Summer, 1994, pp. 247-266.

Grossmann, Henryk 'Die Änderung des ursprunglichen Aufbauplans des Marxschen “Kapital” und ihre Ursachen' ('The change to the original plan of Marx's Capital and its causes') Archiv für die Geschichte des Sozialismus und der Arbeiterbewegung 14, 1929, pp. 305-338. Czech translation (with some changes) 'Plán Marxova: “Kapitálu”' Dělnická Osvěta: Socialistická Revue Dělnická Akademie v Praze, Praha, 23, 1937, pp. 168-174. Serbo-Croatian translation by Mara Fran, 'Plan i metod “Kapitala”' Graficki zavod 'Rotacija', Zemun, 1938, (reprinted from Pravna misao: Èasopis za pravo i sociologiju Beograd 1938), pp. 32. A section of the article is translated into English in Kenneth Lapides 'Henryk Grossmann and the debate on the theoretical status of Marx's Capital ' Science & society 56 (2), Summer 1992, pp. 144-150.

Grossmann, Henryk items in Ludwig Elster (ed.)Wörterbuch der Volkswirtschaft, Erster Band fourth edition, Fischer, Jena, 1931:

'Adler, Victor', pp. 21-22.

* 'Anarchismus' ('Anarchism') , pp. 97-109.

'Bebel, August', pp. 301-302.

* 'Bolschewismus' ('Bolshevism'), pp. 421-444.

* 'Christlicher und religiöser Sozialismus' ('Christian and religious Socialism'), with Carl Grünberg, pp. 538-559.

'Debs, Eugene', p. 564.

'Leon, Daniel de', pp. 564-565.

Grossmann, Henryk items in Ludwig Elster (ed.)Wörterbuch der Volkswirtschaft, Zweiter Band fourth edition, Fischer, Jena, 1932:

'Guesde, Jules', pp. 256-258.

'Herzen, Alexander', pp. 350-361.

'Hydman, Henry Mayers', pp. 369-370.

* 'Internationale: Die Zweite Internationale' ('International: the Second International'), pp. 432-439.

* 'Internationale: Die dritte Internationale' ('International: the Third International'), pp. 439-449.

'Jaurès, Jean', pp. 382-383.

'Kropotkin, Peter', pp. 696-697.

'Lenin, Wladimir Iljitsch' (Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich), pp. 828-831.

'Plechanow, Georg' ('Plekhanov, Georgii), pp. 1149-1142.

Grossmann, Henryk 'Die Wert-Preis-Transformation bei Marx und das Krisenproblem' (' The value-price transformation in Marx and the problem of crises') Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 1, 1932, pp. 55-84.

Grossmann, Henryk 'Die Goldproduktion im Reproduktionsschema von Marx und Rosa Luxemburg' (' Gold production in the reproduction schemes of Marx and Luxemburg') in Festschrift für Carl Grünberg zum 70.Geburtstag , Leipzig, Hirschfeld, 1932, pp. 152-184.

Grossmann, Henryk items in Ludwig Elster (ed.)Wörterbuch der Volkswirtschaft, Dritte Band fourth edition, Fischer, Jena, 1933.

'Olinde Rodrigues', p. 99.

'Georges Sorel', pp. 236-238.

* 'Sozialistische und kommunistische Parteien' ('Socialist and Communist Parties'), with Carl Grünberg, pp. 238-257.

* 'Die Fortentwicklung des Marxismus bis zur Gegenwart' ('Further Developments in Marxism to the Present'), pp. 313-341. Appeared as a separate publication: 'Fünfzig Jahre Kampf um den Marxismus 1883-1932' ('Fifty Years of Struggle over Marxism 1883-1932') Fischer, Jena, 1932. Japanese translation by Professor Yoshitaro Hirano of Tokyo 'Maruki shizumu notameno toso gojunen' in Chuo Koron 48 (543), 1933, and as a pamphlet. Serbo-Croation translation by Mara Fran, 'Pedeset godina naucnog socijalizma' with a German abstract, Graficki zavod 'Rotacija', Zemun, Beograd 1938 (reprinted from Pravna misao: Časopis za pravo i sociologiju, 1938), pp. 56.

Grossman, Henryk 'Die Anfänge des Kapitalismus und die neue Massenmoral' original Folder 38, 'Henryk Grossman', III-155, Archiwum Polskiej Akademii Nauk written 1934. English translation 'The beginnings of the capitalism and the new mass morality' Journal of Classical Sociology 6 (3) 2006, pp. 201-213.

Grossman, Henryk 'Sismondi, Jean Charles Léonard Simonde de' in Edwin R. A. Seligman (ed.) Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences: Volume Fourteen, Servitudes-Trade Associations Macmillan, New York, 1934, pp. 69-71.

Grossmann, Henryk 'Die gesellschaftlichen Grundlagen der mechanistischen Philosophie und die Manufaktur' ('The social foundations of mechanical philosophy and manufacture') Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 4 (2), 1935, pp. 161-231. Also as an appendix to Franz Borkenau Der Übergang vom feudalen zum bürgerlichen Weltbild Junius, Gelsenkirchen 1970. Italian translation, in Franz Borkenau, Henryk Grossmann and Antonio Negri Manifattura, societa borghese, ideologia Savelli, Rome 1978. English translation by Gabriella Shalit: 'The Social foundations of mechanistic philosophy and manufacture' appeared in Science in context 1 (1), 1987, pp. 129-180.

Grossmann, Henryk 'Diskussionen aus einem Seminar über Monopkapitalismus (1937)' (' Discussions at a seminar on monopoly capitalism') in Max Horkheimer Gesammelte Schriften, Band 12: Nachgelassene Schriften 1931-1949 edited by Gunzelin Schmid Noerr, Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 1985, pp. 418-420.

Grossmann, Henryk Marx, die klassische Nationalökonomie und das Problem der Dynamik (Marx, classical political economy and the problem of dynamics) Institut für Sozialforschung, mimeographed, New York, 1941; then Europäische Verlagsanstalt, Frankfurt am Main 1969, pp. 133, with appendix 'Briefe Henryk Grossmanns an Paul Mattick über Akkumulation' ('Henryk Grossmann's letters to Paul Mattick on Accumulation') and afterword by Paul Mattick. Italian translation by Giorgio Backhaus Marx, l'economia politica classica e il problema della dinamica , Laterza, Bari, 1971. French translation Marx, l'économie politique classique et le probleme de la dynamique Champ Libre, Paris 1975. English translation by Pete Burgess 'Marx, classical political economy and the problem of dynamics' Capital and class 2, Summer 1977, pp. 32-55 and 3, Autumn 1977, pp. 67-99.

Grossman, Henryk 'The evolutionist revolt against classical economics. I. In France - Condorcet, Saint-Simon, Simonde de Sismondi' The Journal of political economy 51 (5), October 1943, pp. 381-396

Grossman, Henryk 'The evolutionist revolt against classical economics . II In England - James Steuart, Richard Jones, Karl Marx' The journal of political economy 51 (6), December 1943, pp. 506-522. Parts of these essays appeared in an authorize d translation into Czech by Jiří Stolz, 'Co vlastně učí Marx o dejinách a hospodářství' ('What Marx really taught about history and political economy') CÍL: Socialistický Týdeník pro Kulturu a Politiku 2 (23), June 14 1946, pp. 356-358. Reprinted in Mark Blaug (ed.) Thomas Tooke (1774-1858), Mountifort Longfield (1802-1884), Richard Jones (1790-1855) Elgar, Aldershot, 1991, pp. 1-16; and Bob Jessop (ed.) Karl Marx's social and political thought: critical assessments volume 1, Routledge, London and New York, 1990, pp. 253-74.

Grossman , Henryk 'Descartes' new ideal of science: universal science vs. science of an elite' originally in Folder 31, 'Henryk Grossman', III-155, Archiwum Polskiej Akademii Nauk written 194?, published as 'U niversal science vs. science of an elite : Descartes' new ideal of science ' in Gideon Freudenthal and Peter McLaughlin (eds) Marxist historiography of science: the Hessen-Grossman thesis , forthcoming

Grossman, Henryk 'William Playfair, the earliest theorist of capitalist development' The economic history review 18 (1-2), 1948, pp. 65-83.

Grossmann, Henryk Aufsätze zur Krisentheorie (Essays on crisis theory) Verlag Neue Kritik, Frankfurt am Main, 1971, includes 'Eine neue Theorie über Imperialismus…', pp. 113-164; 'Die Änderung des ursprünglichen Aufbauplans…', pp. 9-42; 'Die Wert-Preis-Transformation…', pp. 45-74; 'Die Goldproduktion im Reproduktionsschema von Marx und Rosa Luxemburg', pp. 77-109; and 'The evolutionist revolt…', pp. 167-213. Spanish edition Ensayos sobre la teoría de la crisis: Dialéctica y metodología en 'El capital' translated by Alfonso García Ruiz, Pasado y Presente, México, 1979, also includes the correspondence in 'Briefe Henryk Grossmans an Paul Mattick über die Akkumulation' (below).

Grossmann, Henryk and Carl Grünberg Anarchismus, Bolschevismus, Sozialismus: Aufsätze aus dem Wörterbuch der Volkswirtschaft (Anarchism, Bolshevism, socialism: essays from the Dictionary of economics) Frankfurt am Main, Europäische Verlagsanstalt, 1971, edited by Claudio Pozzoli, includes Grossmann's and Grünberg's contributions to the Wörterbuch der Volkswirtschaft asterisked (*) above.

Several of Grossman's important publications are available on-line in English at the Henryk Grossman Internet Archive, www.marxists.org/archive/grossman.


Grossmann, Henryk review of Othmar Spann Die Haupttheorien der Volkswirtschaftslehre 12. bis 15. Auflage (Principle theories of political economy) Leipzig, 1923, Archiv für die Geschichte des Sozialismus und der Arbeiterbewegung 13, 1928, pp. 341-344.

Grossmann, Henryk review of Maurice Bourgin Les systemes socialistes et l'évolution économique (Socialist systems and economic evolution) third edition, Paris, 1925, Archiv für die Geschichte des Sozialismus und der Arbeiterbewegung 13, 1928, pp. 344-345.

Grossmann, Henryk review of Elie Halevy Sismondi Paris, 1925, in Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 3 (2), 1934, p. 291.

Grossmann, Henryk review of Robert Bordaz La loi de Marx sur les capitaux a la lumiere des événements contemporains (Marx's Law of capital in the light of contemporary events) Paris, 1933, Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 3 (2), 1934, pp. 314-315.

Grossmann, Henryk review of G. N. Clark Science and social welfare in the age of Newton New York and London, 1937; and G. Sarton The History of Science and thenewhumanism London, 1937, Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 7 (1/2), 1938, pp. 233-237. A section of this review, dealing with Boris Hessen, is translated in Gideon Freudenthal 'Introductory note' to 'Controversy: The emergence of modern science out of the production process', Science in context 1 (1), 1987, pp. 106-107.

Grossmann, Henryk review of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels The Civil War in the United States New York, 1937, Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 7 (1/2), 1938, pp. 259-263.

Grossmann, Henryk review of F. Grandeau Theorie des Crises (Crisis theory) Paris, 1937, Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 8 (1/2), 1939, pp. 300-301.

Grossmann, Henryk review of Cleona Lewis America's stake in international investments London, 1938, Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 8 (1/2), 1939, pp. 304-306.

Grossmann, Henryk review of Jürgen Kuczynski Hunger and work New York and London, 1938 Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 8 (1/2), 1939, pp. 318-320.

Grossmann, Henryk review of L. P. Ayres Turning points in business cycles New York 1939, Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung (Studies in Philosophy and Social Science) 8 (3), 1939, pp. 490-492.

Grossman, Henryk review of Joseph Schumpeter Business cycles New York, 1939 Studies in philosophy and social science 9 (1), 1941, pp. 514-519.

Grossman, Henryk review of Salomon Fabricant and Julius Shirkin The output of manufacturing industries 1899-1937 New York, 1940, Studies in philosophy and social science 9 (2), 1941, pp. 352-354.

Grossman, Henryk review of Lynn Thorndike A history of magic and experimental science volumes 5 and 6 , New York, 1941, Studies in philosophy and social science 9 (3), 1942, pp. 514-519.

Published correspondence

'Briefe Henryk Grossmans an Paul Mattick über die Akkumulation' (1931-1937) in Henryk Grossmann Marx, die klassische Nationalökonomie und das Problem der Dynamik Europäische Verlagsanstalt Frankfurt am Main, 1969, pp. 85-113.

'Briefe Henryk Grossmanns an Walter und Leni Braeuer (1947-1949)' in Jürgen Scheele Zwischen Zusammenbruchsprognose und Positivismusverdikt: Studien zur politischen und intellektuellen Biographie Henryk Grossmanns (1881-1950) Lang, Frankfurt am Main, 1999, pp. 244-265.

Letters to and from Max Horkheimer and others in Max Horkheimer Gesammelte Schiften Band 15: Briefwechsel 1913-1936 Fischer, Frankfurt am Main, 1995.

Letters to and from Max Horkheimer in Max Horkheimer Gesammelte Schiften Band 16: Briefwechsel 1937-1940 Fischer, Frankfurt am Main, 1995.

Letters to and from Max Horkheimer in Max Horkheimer Gesammelte Schiften Band 15: Briefwechsel 1941-1948 Fischer, Frankfurt am Main, 1996.


'Die Internationale und der Weltkrieg: 6. Die polnische Sozialdemokratie' translations from Polish into German of three reports from Naprzód of August 2 1914, August 7 1914 and August 17 1914, in Archiv für die Geschichte des Sozialismus und der Arbeiterbewegung , 6, 1916 pp. 479-487.

Journals which Grossman edited

Promień (The ray), Lemburg/Lwów , Grossman headed the Kraków branch of the editorial board established 16 December 1903 until 1904.

Der sotsial-demokrat (The Social-democrat), Kraków , Grossman was a contributor and was responsible editor and publisher from October 1905 until October 1906.

Zjednoczenie (Unification), Kraków, in 1905 Grossman was the founding editor and publisher of the initial double number, 1-2, of this magazine which was the organ of the Zwiazek młodzieży Socjalistycnej (Union of Socialist Youth).



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Heather Rowley Collection MS 9244.


Archiv der Bundespolizeidirektion Wien

Jahrbuch der Sozialdemokratischen und Anarchistischen Bewegung des Jahres 1901 to 1918 C 1021

Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien, Matrikelamt

Kurz Birth certificate, 385/1885

Grossmann Marriage certificate, 341/I/1908

Stanislaus Eugen Grossmann Birth certificate, 691/1914

Österreichisches Staatsarchiv, Kriegsarchiv, Wien (ÖSK)

Dr. Heinrich Grossmann

Vermerkblatt für die Qualifikationsbeschreibung Quall. Kart. 874.

Abt 10KW: Personalblatt, k. u. k. Kreigsministerium.

1916 1. Abt. 45-1/468, k. u. k. Kreigsministerium.

1917 1. Abt. 92-1026, k. u. k. Kreigsministerium.

Präsidialbüro 1918 5-16/12-2, k. u. k. Kreigsministerium.

Dr. Oskar Kurz

Landsturmevidenzblatt (mit Beilage), Grundbuchsblätter Wien 1885.

Personalnachweis, Grundbuchsblätter Wien 1885.

Verein für Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung, Wien

Letter from Grossman in Kraków to Viktor Adler, October 23 1905, Adler-Archiv, Mappe 176.

Alte partei Archiv, Sitzungsprotokolle, Parteivertretung, Exekutive Handprotokolle 12.1.1905 bis 16.8.1905 Heft 3.


Archiv der sozialen Demokratie der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Bonn

Henke Nachlass , Declaration by Henryk Grossmann on the Radek Affair, September 17 1912 .

Nachlaß Max Beer , Box 1 , l etters from Henryk Grossman to Max Beer , January 19 1935 and May 25 1935 (Beer Collection).

Bundesarchiv Berlin

Albert Schreiner Nachlaß, NY 4198/70, Stiftung Archiv der Parteien und Massenorganisationen der DDR (Schreiner Collection).

Reichsicherheitshauptamt Abteilung IV, R58, 3443a.

Reichssicherheitshauptamt Abteilung IV, R59, 3443 I.

Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nürnberg

Letter from Henryk Grossman to Max Raphael, September 7 1941, Max Raphael Nachlaß I, C-210.

Institut für Zeitgeschichte, Archiv, München

'The collapse of German democracy and the expansion of National Socialism: a research project of the Institute of Social Research' 15 September 1940 pp. 38, 43, 66, MS 175.

Johnann-Heinrich von Thünen Museum, Teltow Meklenberg-Vorpommern

Braeuer Nachlaß (Braeuer Collection).

Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main, Archiv

'Grossmann, Heinrich 1927-1967' Akten des Rektors Abt 1 Nr 15.

'Grossmann, Heinrich' , Akten der WiSo Fakultät, Sig 452 Abt 150 Nr 376 (UFM).

'Grünberg, Carl', Akten der WiSo FAK, Sig 452 Abt.150 Nr 376.

Lange, Karl Heinz, Leipzig, private possession

Letter from Henryk Grossman to Heinz Lange 17 November 1949, copy held by Rick Kuhn.

Leo-Löwenthal-Archiv, Universitäts- und Stadtarchiv Frankfurt am Main (LLA)

A 325.

Max-Horkheimer-Archiv, Universitäts- und Stadtarchiv Frankfurt am Main (MHA)

IV 10.1-94, VI 9, VI 10, IX 58, IX 59.3.

Sächsisches Staatsarchiv Leipzig (SSAL)

Bezirksrat Leipzig 20237, VdN-Akte, Henryk Großmann 13630.

Universitätsarchiv Leipzig (UAL)

'Henryk Grossmann', PA 40.


Mattick Collection, Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis, Amsterdam (IISG), includes letters from Grossman not published in 'Briefe Henryk Grossmans an Paul Mattick über die Akkumulation'.


Archiwum Akt Nowych, Warszawa

'Sprawa Grossmana' sygn 305/VNovember podt. 3 , Archiwum Londyńskie Polskiej Partii Socjalistycznej (Sprawa Grossmana).

Archiwum Państwowe w Krakowie, Kraków (APK)

Spisy Ludności Miasta Krakowa, r. 1900: Grossman; Kurz, Oskar and Markus.

Akta metrykalne Izraelitow w Krakowie.

Ksiege protokolow z zebran PPS-D.

Starostwo Grodzkie Krakowskie, Dyrekcja Policji, akta dot. ruchu rob. 1908-1918, m. in. Sprawozdanie Kom. Wykon. ZPSD za czs od 1 VI 1908 do 30 IX 1911 r. na VI Kongres ZPSD w X 1911 r ., 27 .

Starostwo Grodzkie Krakowskie, Za³o¿enie i dzia³alnoeć zydowskiej partii socjalno-demokratiycznej 'separatystów' in Galicji w 1905 r., 80.

Starostwo Grodzkie Krakowskie, Relacja z zebrani młodzieży akademicki, 283.

Glowny Urzad Statystyczny, Centralna Biblioteka Statystyczna, Warszawa (GUS)

Akta Osobowe Henryka Grossmana.

Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Archiwum, Warszawa

Henryk Grossman, III-155, due to ongoing reorganization and recataloging, references to this collection may have been superseded (APAN).

Rafał Taubenschlag, III-98 (Taubenschlag Collection).

Uniwersytetu Jagielońskiego, Archiwum, Kraków (AUJ)

Chaskel Grossman(n) Winter Semester 1900/1901 to Summer Semester 1903/1904, S II 503 to 510.

J. Rotter and K. Subecki 'Protoko³ r wiecu ogólno-akadem. odbytego dniu 28 November 1901 w Coll. Novum w Krakowie', Wiece opolakademickie, SII 738.

Liber Promotionum Universitas Jagellonicae Ab Anno 1893 , Nr 3407, S II 520.

Liber Rigorosum C. R. Facultatis Juridico Politicae, WP II 524

Urzad Stanu Cywilnego, Kraków

United Kingdom

Society for the Protection of Science and Learning/Academic Asistance Council Files, Bodleian Library, Department of Western Manuscripts, Oxford(SPSL).

United States of America

Federal Bureau of Investigations, Washington

Henryk Grossman file (FBI file).

Immigration and Naturalization Service, Washington

Henryk Grossman, Alien Registration Form, 31 October 1941.

Henryk Grossman, Report of Departure of Alien, 1949.

Leo Lowenthal Collection, bMS Ger 185, Houghton Library, Harvard University, Boston

Yidisher visnshaftlikher institut/Institute for Jewish Research Archive, New York (Bund Archive).

Interviews and personal communications

Abramsky, Chimen letter to Rick Kuhn 12 January 1996, met Grossman in New York in December 1948.

Bajkowski, Eugene personal communication to Rick Kuhn, 29 February 2000 in Canberra, a friend of Grossman's Warszawa lawyer Janusz Buki, in Shanghai in 1948-1952.

Kowalik, Tadeusz interview, with Rick Kuhn, 12 July 1995, in Warsaw, had discussions with Oscar Lange and Oskar Kurz.

Lange, Karl-Heinz 'Versuch einer Erinnerung an Henryk Grossmann' October 2002, a former student of Grossman in Leipzig, held by Rick Kuhn.

Mattick, Ilse telephone interview, with Rick Kuhn 24 November 1993, Boston/Vermont, knew Grossman in the late 1930s and early 1940s.

Scheele, Jürgen personal communication to Rick Kuhn, 7 December 1993 in Frankfurt am Main, had discussions with Walter Braeuer.


Landes-Zeitung Rostock 16 March 1949.

Tägliche Rundschau Berlin Deutschland Ausgabe 10 March 1949.

Henryk Großmann , VdN-Akte 13630 , Bezirksrat Leipzig 20237, Sächsisches Staatsarchiv Leipzig.

PO 2195, YIVO Institute for Jewish Research Archive, New York.

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