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Design of an Interpreter

Perhaps, the significant rite of passage of second year students is the creation of an interpreter for a small-scale language, the step by step translation of an input stream of characters to a runnable program. This is non-trivial task. As such it is an excellent test bed for the various software tools, make, sccs etc., which they have already learned. It is also an excellent opportunity for them to produce an integrated design document. But for them to have any hope of doing this, they need some fairly well worked out examples, or even templates. The mini-language framework comes in quite useful here. We can provide a detailed template for the basic mini-language, CORE used by Marcotty Ledgard[2]. CORE contains only integer data types, has no nested scopes, functions, procedures and only the simplest of control structures. As such it is sufficiently small for the entire design document to be readable as a precursor to carrying out an assignment in language analysis and interpretation. The C++ version used here is a fairly direct transcription of the Modula-2 version written by Malcolm Newey, used as a programming example (without documentation) in second year since 1987. The CORE sources and makefile are available by anonymous ftp from URL ftp://dcssoft/pub/techreports/core.tar.Z
